The Bay St. Louis Little Theatre is presenting the final show of its 2023-2024 season, “A Man for All Seasons” by Robert Bolt. This is the first time that the show has been presented in any theater on the coast. This show won the Tony Award for Best play and the Oscar for Best Movie Picture. The story is the real life depiction of Sir Thomas More and his conflict with King Henry VIII. Because of his courage and steadfast convictions, he was beheaded and later canonized as a saint. “….the person of greatest virtue…ever produced.” – Samuel Johnson.
The show presents a cast of dedicated performers. The cast consists of Robert Newton as the lead. The supporting cast is Art Bailey, Jr., Paul Bernard, Bonnie Cooper, Miguel Davalos, Tim Gilmore, Cheryl Grace, Irv Hansen, Harry Joachim, Michael Lavelle, Jim Lindsay, Kiernan Marrero, Michael Schultz, and Genie Talbert. The Director/Producer is Cheryl Grace. Assistant director is Clayton Pennylegion. Production consultant is Gary Taylor. Costumer/designer is Bonne Cooper. Nick Mason is in charge of set construction and design, Allison Hess designs and paints the theater set. Gary Taylor manages sound and lights.
The show dates and times are Friday, June 21, Saturday, June 22, Friday, June 28, and Saturday, June 29 at 8pm. Sunday matinees June 23 and 30 are at 2pm. Grab your tickets here or call 228-467-9024 to reserve your tickets.