The story revolves around the relationships of two married couples who have been best friends for years and they planned “to grow old and fat together.” Then one of the couples breaks up. The play then tells the story of how they originally met and married.
“…Margulies writes about relationships with such intelligence and spiky humor that his comedy-drama…becomes something quite wonderful.”
“…full of life, warmth, laughs, and wisdom.”
The show is directed by Keith Gregory and produced by Cheryl Grace. The cast is Leslie Barajas, Brandon Everett, Mari Kenney, and Mark Williams. Set construction is by Dean Noel. Josh Charlton will manage sound and lights.
The show dates and times are May 30, 31, June 6, and 7 at 8pm and June 1 and 8 at 2pm.
Doors open one hour before the show and seating starts 30 minutes before each show.
Tickets for the show can be purchased online at online or purchased at Maggie May’s at 126 Main Street, or Twinlight Creations at 136 Main Street, or the Alice Moseley Museum in the Train Depot. Ticket fees are $14 adults, $10 Seniors 65+, veterans, military, and students with ID, and $6 for children 12 and under. Seat reservations can be made online or by by calling 228-467-9024 or emailing the Little Theatre. Reservations for seats must be made for all ticket holders including season ticket holders to be able to accommodate the show’s audiences.
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Show Dates: May 30, 31, June 1, 6, 7, 8 -- 2014
Show Times: all nights at 8pm & Sunday matinee at 2pm