“Arsenic and Old Lace” is a farcical comedy revolving around Mortimer Brewster, a drama critic who must deal with his crazy, homicidal family and his promise to marry the woman he loves. His two spinster aunts, Aunt Abby and Aunt Martha, have been engaged in their “charity” work of poisoning lonely old men with their home-made elderberry wine. His older brother believes he is Teddy Roosevelt and digs locks for the Panama Canal in the basement, and he has a murderous brother, Jonathan, who has received plastic surgery by an alcoholic accomplice, Dr. Einstein, and now he resembles Boris Karloff. Toss a few Brooklyn police in the plot and there is a laugh a minute throughout the play.
The “Arsenic” cast once again will present the combination of veteran actors with first-time players on the stage. The cast includes Leslie Barajas, Richard Boice, Cheryl Grace, Zachary Hemphill, Kevin Kulpeksa, Lex Mauffray, Kathe Newcombe, Richard O’Briant, Clayton Pennylegion, Jonathan Reisch, R.W. Smith, Ron Simpson, Jamie Temple, and Jon Trimmer. The stage manager is Donna Oakley with her crew Dean Noel, Charles Dessommes, Daryl Himel, Darlene Holtgreve.
Another first will be presented this year in Little Theatre history. The Little Theatre and the Diamondhead Performing Arts Society are joining together to produce “Arsenic and Old Lace” as the season opener for both venues. The “Arsenic” cast and crew will travel to the Diamondhead Country Club on Sunday evening, September 23rd and do a performance at 7pm.
The Little Theatre show dates are September 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, and 23. All shows start at 8pm and Sunday matinees start at 2pm. Theatre doors open one hour before the show and seating starts 30 minutes before the show. Seating reservations are required for all audience members.
Tickets are available on-line and at Maggie Mays at 126 Main Street and at Twin Light Creations at 136 Main Street in Bay St. Louis. Tickets are $14 for adults, $10 for Seniors 65+, veterans, active military, students with ID, and $6 for children 12 and under.
Call 228-864-2882 for more information and for seat reservation.
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Show Dates: September 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 -- 2012
Show Times: all nights at 8pm & Sunday matinee at 2pm, Diamondhead show starts at 7pm!