Mississippi Writes Original


One-Act Originals by Mississippi Playwrights.

Bay St. Louis Little Theatre Showcases Original Plays.

The Bay St. Louis Little Theatre opens its latest season show with the Second Annual “Mississippi Writes Original.” Each night five original one-act plays will be performed by local actors. This presentation is part of the Tennessee Williams’ Tribute that the Little Theatre established in 2008. Writers from only Mississippi are invited to submit their original works. This year five plays were chosen. The Mississippi playwrights are Katrina Byrd, Jim Fraiser, Faith Garbin, and Gary Taylor. The writers will be in the front row of the show to see their play performed for the first time.

A special additional feature of “Mississippi Writes Original” is “Chat with the Cast.”  Each night at the end of the show, the audience members will be invited to enjoy wine and cheese while joining is discussion, and Q&A with the writers, directors, and cast. “Last year, this special feature really added to the already unique experience of the show,” stated Board member Clayton Pennylegion. “We really encourage our members and community to attend to support our state’s writers and talent. We want to celebrate the Mississippi native talent.” The shows feature comedy, drama, and clever twists.

The show’s one-act plays are directed by Jim Fraiser, Jen Coulter, and Cheryl Grace, and produced by Cheryl Grace. The cast includes Shannon Wooten, Fred Varnado, Clayton Pennylegion, Irv Hansen, Terry Cullen, Genie Talbert, Jen Coulter, Amaya Clark, Sarah Morgan, Bill Matkin, Barry Newman, Dave Kernion, Linda Aiavolasiti, Keith Gregory, Gloria Noonan, Haley Hirchfeld, Anna Beth Hirshfeld, Trinity Hirshfeld, Paul Fraiser, Jim Lindsay, and Cheryl Grace. Set construction is by Dean Noel. The stage manager is Maggie Marquez-Wooten.

The show dates and times are March 23, 24, 30, 31 at 8pm and March 25 at 2pm.  Each show date will feature all five one-acts.  Doors open one hour before the show and seating starts 30 minutes before each show.

Tickets for the show can be purchased online or purchased at Lulu’s at 126 Main Street or Twin Light Creations at 136 Main Street. Ticket fees are $18 adults, $10 Seniors 65+, veterans, military, and students with ID, and $8 for children 12 and under. Seat reservations can be made online or by calling 228-467-9024 or email the Little Theatre.  Reservations for seats must be made for all ticket holders including season ticket holders to be able to accommodate the show’s audiences.

The Bay St. Louis Little Theatre is proud to spotlight Mississippi writers and their original work.

MWO 2018


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Show Dates: March 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 -- 2018

Show Times: all nights at 8pm & Sunday matinee at 2pm