The Gin Game


The Bay St. Louis Little Theatre will open its latest production “The Gin Game” written by D. L. Coburn on Friday, November 15th.  It is a comedy-drama in two acts.  The play won the 1978 Pulitzer Prize and was nominated twice for the Tony Award for Best Play.  The first nomination was for its original opening in 1978 and then again for its revival in 1997.  The original show on Broadway was directed by Mike Nichols and starred Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn. 

The story revolves around Weller Martin and Fonsia Dorsey, two elderly residents at a nursing home who strike up an acquaintance.  They start to enjoy each other’s company and Weller offers to teach Fonsia how to play gin rummy.  Fonsia continues to win every game while the two of them engage in lengthy conversations about their family and their lives in the outside world.  Gradually, each conversation becomes a battle much like the ongoing game of gin rummy.        

The show is directed by Robert Smith and is produced by Cheryl Grace.  The cast includes Robert Smith and Cheryl Grace.

The show dates and times are November  15, 16 at 8pm and November 17 at 2pm. Doors open one hour before the show and seating starts 30 minutes before each show.   

Tickets for the show can be purchased online or at Maggie May’s at 126 Main Street, or Twinlight Creations at 136 Main Street, or the Alice Moseley Museum in the Train Depot.  Ticket fees are $14 adults, $10 Seniors 65+, veterans, military, and students with ID, and $6 for children 12 and under.  Seat reservations can be made by calling 228-467-9024 or email the Little Theatre.  Reservations for seats must be made for all ticket holders including season ticket holders to be able to accommodate the show’s audiences.  Season ticket holders can now make reservations online also.


Due to illness of several of the cast, the November 9 & 10 performances have been cancelled.  If you have purchased tickets or made reservations for these dates, please call (228-467-9024) or email ( the Little Theatre to reschedule.


Actors Robert Smith and Cheryl Grace rehearse in the Bay St. Louis Little Theatre production of  “The Gin Game” opening Saturday, November 9th.

Actors Robert Smith and Cheryl Grace rehearse in the Bay St. Louis Little Theatre production of “The Gin Game” opening Saturday, November 9th. (Photo by B. R. Hawkins)


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Show Dates: November 15, 16, 17 -- 2013

Show Times: all nights at 8pm & Sunday matinee at 2pm